Pectoral Fitness

Friday, November 6, 2015

Embedding Google+ Comments On Web Site!

I have implemented the Google+ comments on webpages so you all can come and comment freely with me and several others. If you have a Gmail account/Google+ account then feel free to comment, if you do not then I highly you recommend you create an account and also circle us on Google+!

If you run a website and wish to implement Google+ comments on your webpage then here's unofficial code to script the comments into your page/blog post! Would like to thank Google Operating System (Unofficial Google news and tips) for the code.

<script src=""> </script> <div class="g-comments" data-href="" data-width="642" data-first_party_property="BLOGGER" data-view_type="FILTERED_POSTMOD"> </div>
Just change the '[URL]' to your website page and voila, done. Have you implemented the comment section onto your own website? Did you guys see any benefits to using this? Comment below!