Pectoral Fitness

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Blog Progression, New YouTube Channel

This blog has been growing steadily every month, I see that there are many people from multiple backgrounds stopping by not only here, but also on my youtube channel as well. I've been doing my best to provide useful information to people who live with Pectus Excavatum. I've provided subtitles on my videos, and correcting any of the ones with the wrong translations and so far it has helped me reach more people across the globe curious about this subject.

This has led me to start thinking a little more on where I want this blog to go. The steady traffic has been wonderful and I have a subscriber's just waiting for me to post more but I'm always looking for suggestions.

I was thinking about making a YouTube channel specifically for this blog, however I was thinking I would rather wait until I have much better equipment to make higher quality videos (no 240p for me). For the time being I am going to create this YouTube channel and create searchable playlists and perhaps people will stumble upon us!

I've had positive success with my current playlist strategy for my own channel, perhaps this will benefit the awareness even more!

I'm really excited to start branching out, be sure to stop by on my personal YouTube channel as well (I've got some controversial idea) :).