Pectoral Fitness

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pectus Excavatum | Exercise Blog

Pectus excavatum Luis Rosales
I have worked a bit on personal training to ensure that my body is healthy! Pectus Excavatum is a deformity I live with so I created this personal training blog for anyone that would like to know more about health advances and personal experiences!

Everyone needs a hand on their journeys whether it's weight loss, bulking up, or natural remedies and this blog will do just that. Sharing great information of popular categories, and compiling a resource for your fitness needs.

Hello I'm Luis Rosales, I created this blog because I am living with Pectus Excacatum, an inverted sternum. I was born with this deformity and have created some YouTube videos which has helped me gain some support for this blog. Pectoral Fitness will cover what is Pectus Excavatum, Pectus Carinatum and other related deformities while providing general useful tips! Essentially anything Pectus Excavatum fitness related!

We have grown quite quickly, in less than a month we've already gotten over 100 sessions!Come by and support us! I will gladly take suggestions from anyone who suffers with Pectus Excavatum!

Be sure to help me improve my site! Support Me on Patreon!